Friday, January 29, 2010
Lesson 2 Part 3: A Look at Fats and Sugars
Lesson 2 PART 2: Principle 2: Eat Foods as They Were Created
Principle 2: Eat foods as they were created.
Lesson 2 Part 1: Clean Versus Unclean Foods
Dr. Rex Russell M.D. in his book, What the Bible Says About Healthy Living, provides some fascinating facts about the differences between clean and unclean meats.
Generally, we don’t have controversy regarding the plant foods. Meat is where we have digressed from the original guidelines.
We learn in Leviticus what land and water creatures are permitted to eat.
Lev 11:3 You may eat any animal that has a split hoof completely divided and that chews the cud.
Lev 11:9 Of all the creatures living in the water of the seas and the streams, you may eat any that have fins and scales.
What are the benefits of eating clean meats? Meats contain proteins, iron, zinc and vitamins B6 and B12. Clean animal flesh contains omega 3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are essential for life and offer strong protection from vascular diseases.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Lesson 1 Summary: The Significance of the Old Law and Introduction to Clean and Unclean
Throughout the scriptures, God has made promises to us. One of the great things about God’s character is that He is faithful.
Read Exodus 15:26. What is the promise contained in that verse?
The laws God gave his people were used to teach His people obedience and were a way to spare them from many preventable illnesses and problems.
Read Matthew 5:17. Jesus came not to abolish the Law but to fulfill it.
The Old Testament dietary laws are not significant for us spiritually. In Mark 7:1-23, Jesus has a discussion with the Pharisees and some of the teachers of the law regarding what is clean and unclean. Jesus list sins that are morally significant and points out that what makes us unclean comes from within. This is the passage where Jesus declares all foods clean; however, clean and healthy are two different concepts.
Clean means set apart for God.
Read Genesis 15:6. Because Abram believed, it was credited to him as righteousness. The grace/faith principle has been there all along, simply overshadowed by legalism.
Dr. Rex Russell suggest three principles for eating according to biblical principles:
- 1. Eat what God created for food.
- 2. Eat foods at they are created.
- 3. Avoid food addictions.
Read Genesis 1:29. What did God provide for food?
Read Ezekiel 16:19: What gifts did God provide for food?
Read Leviticus 11:3 What are the food guidelines provided?
Read Leviticus 11:9 What are the food guidelines provided?
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Introduction: Before Lesson 1
The Old Testament is a record of the history of Israel and the covenant of God with His people. The Old Testament points the way to the coming of Jesus. The first five books are known as books of Law. Leviticus records the laws given to Moses by God.
Christians generally do not consider themselves bound by Old Testament Laws. The New Testament is gospel: The good news about Jesus Christ. It is through Jesus Christ that we have our salvation:
But as the early church developed and more Gentiles came to believe in Jesus, the subject of the validity of the Law of Moses had to be addressed. Acts 15 tells the story of the Jerusalem council where the Pharisees wanted to require the Gentiles to obey the Law of Moses. The Council concluded that Gentiles needed only avoid foods that would be offensive to religious Jews who believed in Jesus but still followed the Mosaic law.
Read Exodus 15:26
Read Matthew 5:17
Read Mark 7:1-23 and make note of the sins that Jesus points out in the passage.
What did Jesus mean when he declared all foods clean?
Read Deuteronomy 14.
List what is permitted to eat.
List what is not permitted to eat.
What do you hope to learn in this class?